nanosonics – trophon2


Every day, 98,000 patients are protected from the risk of cross-contamination because the ultrasound probe has been high-level disinfected with the trophon® device.

Since the trophon device’s launch in North America in 2011, there have been over 25,000 trophon devices installed throughout healthcare facilities across North America. This equates to patients being protected from the risk of cross-contamination in more than 100 million procedures. But this is only the start. Millions of procedures remain unprotected by trophon technology. trophon technology has redefined the global standard of care in ultrasound probe reprocessing, providing fail-safe ultrasound probe high-level disinfection (HLD).

With the introduction of the trophon®2 device, the world’s best just got better. The trophon2 device has an enhanced user experience for greater workflow efficiencies and traceability across the workflow for demonstrated compliance, to deliver consistent patient protection with every automated HLD cycle.