Our Chiropractic Imaging Specialists will tailor-design a chiropractic imaging solution to meet the workflow needs of your facility while keeping in mind that we are implementing a cost-effective business solution. We represent many reputable product lines with the various imaging technologies available today. Whether you are considering a high volume DR, high to medium volume CR, or even a film-based solution. TBS is your #1 service provider for all your equipment repairs and preventive maintenance needs.
Our services for chiropractic offices include but are not limited to the following:
- Specialist in imaging equipment repair and maintenance. Also ask about our DR panel upgrades!
- X-ray machines
- Direct Radiography (DR Panel)
- Computed Radiography (CR Reader)
- Film and Chemistry
Digital Computerized Radiography (CR)
TBS will assist in choosing the most cost effective unit for your practice volume and specialties. See our Digital Products CR Solutions section.
Direct Radiography (DR)
Retrofit your current x-ray system with a digital flat panel for outstanding image quality while eliminating film processing and darkrooms! See our Digital Products – “DR retrofits”
Cost effective mini PACS solutions are available for image archive-retrieval-viewing.
New and Used Equipment
TBS has access to a wide variety of OEM products specific to chiropractic needs. Used systems are based on availability.